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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:14 am

An air of discomfort hovered over the Grand Keep as tensions between the Teresian Islands and Yarrose grew stronger by the day. King Alistair had passed away only recently, and even though the new queen, his daughter Hilda, was kind and generally well received, the rest of the family was not yet over the loss.

Hilda had not come to Yarrose alone, however. With her was a familiar young platinum blonde girl with royal blue eyes- and if you hadn't guessed already, that's Elidyra. The two knew eachother due to the relationship between Elidyra's adoptive uncle Marcos and the King Alistair. When Marcos had first become captain of the guard, Alistair was still the prince. Of course, it hadn't been long before Alistair took the throne for himself upon his own father's death.

Years passed, and the cycle of history repeated itself.. At least somewhat. Even if Elidyra had been offered the same position as her uncle Marcos, she would've turned it down. Being confined to one major city for too long would drive her more nuts than she was already, and the captain of the guard already serving would probably not be too happy.

Regardless, Hilda trusted Elidyra to act as her escort while they were in Heran. The discomfort lingered even in Heran. The tensions between the two nations (the Teresian Islands and Yarrose) had been steadily rising over the past two years, and with Alistair's death, all that stress had been dropped on top of Hilda like an impossibly heavy weight. It was rather suspicious that Yarrose's Archmage, Heinrich Helven, had requested 'peace negotiations' with Queen Hilda not even a couple of days after Alistair had died.

Little did Elidyra know however, was that her presence was requested. An odd request, at that. As Elidyra was no one of significance in the Schturlein royal family say for being a friend of Hilda's. But thats not necessarily an important role. Either way, Hilda was not about to tell them no. It would give Elidyra an excuse to leave Aramore for awhile and she was sure the dragon shifter would love seeing another big city.

Hilda and Eli's uncle Marcos spent the evening prior to the former's departure discussing the terms on which Elidyra would be allowed to leave. It would be a brief trip- no detours or anything of that sort. Marcos wanted Eli home as soon as possible. And if anything should happen to either of them, Marcos would personally bring his concerned uncle wrath down upon them. Marcos was especially fearful for Elidyra, with her dragon shifter blood she could become some sort of target and that would not at all be a good thing for anyone. Especially Hilda considering the two girls were going to be in an 'enemy' nation.

"I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you." Marcos bade the two farewell, "I'm still hesitant about letting you go, Elidyra. But I know you've got enough combat experience to help the queen in a fight if it is needed." Marcos would then sigh. "Stay safe, Eli. I would hate for this to be the last time we ever saw eacother." Little did any of them know at the time, but it was going to be their last meeting for a very long time. Elidyra gave Uncle Marcos a final hug goodbye, and she set out with Queen Hilda, heading towards the neutral nation of Heran in the city of capital city Corith where the peace talks would be had. Hilda hoped that there would be an end to any potential war.
Elidyra Mascolel
Elidyra Mascolel

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Hilda Schturlein Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:33 am

Hilda sighed in a concerned manner as she pursed her lips and glanced at her friend. Her mind just couldn't escape the idea that this could potentially be some sort of ploy to expose her, which could easily leave Aramore in great trouble if something were to happen. "I must admit, I am ever so happy that you are here. I wouldn't dare do this without someone I could trust at my side." Hilda muttered, an obvious tone of concern present in her voice.

Nevertheless Hilda believed that if she were to deny the meeting, war would almost certainly be waged, and should that happen she feared that maybe Thera herself would come to be eternally harmed rather than simply either nation. Because of this no amount of reassurance could please her at this point, even if her father were to express his complete trust in the nation of Yarrose, Hilda wouldn't be content. Despite this however a glimmer of hope yet flickered in her mind thanks to the chance that this could actually be a genuine attempt at peace. If this were true Hilda believed with both the forces of the Teresian Isles and Yarrose combined, they could actually bring peace to the ever changing Thera. "Tell me, Eli.. what do you make of all of this? Do you believe there's any truth to what Sir Helvan says?" She asked, mentally preparing herself for a potentially horrid answer.
Hilda Schturlein
Hilda Schturlein

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:43 am

-Posting as Archmage Heinrich-

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) PqDnb8o
Resolve 200,000/Soul 200,000

The Elderly Archmage lurched forth into the room, followed in by two Magi that were clearly experienced, and yet also four that appeared to be no more than students given their garb. They all appeared to be more than prepared for this. he wore a wise smile, nothing out of the ordinary. he took a seat, grumbling from the effort it took his old bones to adjust into the chair. The two magi stood by his shoulders behind him, and the four students took seats of their own. "I trust everyone has been assembled for this meeting? It would be unfortunate if some of us were under prepared for such an important peace talk, would it not?" He looked around the room, subtly observing everyone on the opposing side, seemingly judging their skill through looks alone.

He cleared his throat. "I am supposing you understand the need for peace talks. Our nations have been at one another's throats since the reign of Cuulaiin, Archmage II. Yet what is all of this bloodshed for exactly? I have brought with me four academy students which I think best represent the bright minds that are at risk of our pointless war. I hope you would look at them and the promising futures they hold, and think over our differences today."

The air was unignorably tense, even despite his seemingly kind speech he had laid out before them.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:16 am

-Posting as Gwyn-
-Resolve 500/Soul 500-

Gwyneveire nervously entered the room with the other three students, she had been selected out of all the students in Primrose to be one of four examples of exemplary young mages. The other three were apparently chosen from other academies, and as such, she didn't really know any of them. Though She was really happy about being given such an honor as to attend peace negotiations between Yarrose and the Teresian isles, she couldn't help but be very nervous about the entire situation. How would all of this go? Was she really going to just sit quietly and do nothing as she was instructed? She sort of hoped so...She didn't think she had the nerves to handle speaking in this atmosphere.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) H5tp6o2

"I hope things go well today..." She muttered to herself as the sweat rolled down her face. She looked over to the Archmage...To think she was sitting here, next to the leader of her Nation, if she weren't so nervous, she probably would have been filled with some sense of pride, even visiting Heran under any other circumstance would have led to some excitement elicited from the Young mage, but Gwyn was a ball of nerves.

She looked at the students sitting beside her, the tags on the desk space in front of their seats listed the names of the academies they were representing. She herself had one of those. "Primrose". She was the representitive of Yarrose's most prestigious academy. ... This fact hadn't really sunk into her until now. "...oh dear lord I am a representitive of something." She shook her head a bit, she thought to herself "Just sit quietly, it'll be over soon and then you can relax, Gwyn."

...And yet something caught her attention...The Archmage was staring at the girl across the way with a grin on his face, the girl wearing blue. She got lost in thought as she became...uneasy about it. She was almost about to reach a conclusion...But then something startled her out of her focus. "OI, Primrose." "UWAH?!? WHAT, WHAT?!" Gwyn practically jumped from her seat as she stood up with a start. One of Heinrich's guards had spoken to her. "Relax and smile a little! You're a Representitive young lady!" The guard gave her a friendly grin, noting how nervous she looked.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) LkDAWXF

Gwyn, now completely embarrassed that she had made such a scene in front of not one, but TWO leaders just gave a nod to the guard, sitting back into her seat and kind of sinking into it in a regret way. Still...The suspicions lingered in her mind, what was he grinning for? he had stopped at this point, so whatever it was, he wasn't thinking it over anymore.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:53 am

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) MU5itSE
As tense as the situation was, Elidyra felt more secure with herself knowing the queen felt safe with Eli near her. She wasn't any knight-captain, so it honestly felt pretty nice knowing she was able to comfort the queen in such.. dark times, or so she supposed. With the king dying not even a week ago, Hilda must have surely been grieving.. At least on the inside. Most likely hiding it so she can look strong for her people and in the face of an 'enemy' leader. "Of course, Hilda. I'm happy you let me come with you.. I've been itching to get out of Aramore for a long time. I'm glad that you can trust me."

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 5ufK1Ab
She had to really think on how she wanted to respond to the queen's next words. She didn't wish for her friend and also queen to feel even more stressed out by the present situation. Elidyra could almost feel how worried Hilda was. 'She's so young, too.. I really have to give it to her for being strong enough to take up such an important position on extremely short notice.' Elidyra thought to herself as she began to feel bad for her friend.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) HLWcX0T
Letting out a deep sigh, the dragon shifter put on a smile as she looked towards the queen ready to make her response. "It'll be fine, Hilda! We'll be on our way home with news of peace before you know it." The shifter reassured her just as the Archmage and his group of bodyguards entered the room. Almost right away, Elidyra went from happy and reassuring to cautious and protective.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) VGbkYwr

"With all due respect, Sir Helvan. You were only supposed to bring one representative. Is there a reason you brought four?" Elidyra asked with a bit of hostility to her tone. Considering the situation, she felt she was warranted to be on edge. "As knowledgeable as they may be, the terms were one bodyguard or representative. I think it would be appropriate for some of them to leave." The dragon shifter stated sternly.. despite being faced down by that of a faction leader and a group of trained mages.

When Gwyn had her little.. outburst, or whatever it was. Elidyra looked in her general drection before spotting her. She was.. different from the others, to say the least. Eli did not feel any unease when looking towards her. So at least her intentions must've been good. For a moment the dragon shifter could not help but just stare at her. It might've come off as weird or rude, and Eli would quickly apologize if she were called out on such a thing.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 4rGAlpl

Realizing she had zoned out, while staring at a girl that looked around her age no less, Elidyra blushed and looked back towards the archmage. Trying to keep a stern expression on her face despite the fact she was very visibly red.
Elidyra Mascolel
Elidyra Mascolel

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Hilda Schturlein Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:04 am

Hilda nodded as she clasped her hands together at her stomach and set her eyes on Helvan. "From what I understand.. she is right. I understand that it was you who arranged this meeting however such an act is rather.. bold." She said in a cautious tone, immediately wiping any and all concern from her face and replacing it with a stern look which perfectly resembled that her father would give whenever addressing such situations. "But yes, the need for peace is great, now more than ever. Being a mage I am sure you understand that The Flow is damaged.. should our two nations wage war, I fear the already present damage could become catastrophic. Maybe even irreversible. I may not be a warrior or mage but I understand perfectly how important The Flow is to us and Thera herself." She added with another nod before taking her own seat. "I would imagine that you have some form of terms lined up for us to hear?"
Hilda Schturlein
Hilda Schturlein

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:53 am


He rubbed his hand on his chin, nodding as he eyed the Dragon shifter and her complaints. "Valid observations, indeed those were the terms. And yet...Yarrose is such a colorful land. One Academy is not nearly enough to present to you our brightest students. If this meeting cannot continue until you are both satisfied, then so be it." He raised an open hand, with that, both of his guards calmly walked out of the room, as well, several students left, even Gwyn began walking out, until...

"No, no. You stay. Primrose is our nation's jewel." The confused girl gave a nod and sat back down. With that he continued. "You would be correct! It was quite a bold action!" He gave quite a deep laugh after his words towards the Queen, coughing a bit and finally composing himself. Listening to the Queen's words once more, he gave a stern nod.  "I do in fact understand the state of the flow, and too do I understand the threat it poses. It has been...Withering for some time now. But I assure you, the Grand Seers are all working tirelessly to fully understand the flow, and we've...Made quite a few interesting discoveries, ones I perhaps shouldn't share just yet."

As he spoke of discoveries, he looked to Eli, a slow grin forming on his face, he eventually looked back to the Queen. "My terms...Are quite simple, really. I think you will find that they are really for the greater good. For both Yarrose and the Teresian Islands. I cannot speak seriously enough when I say this. To repair the flow, we will need...No further interruptions."
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:11 am


Gwyn looked over at that girl...And noticed just how much she was staring. She really wanted to say something, and yet...She was still far too embarrassed about the mishap a moment ago to even try, her face was probably as red as Eli's.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Q72mM3x

She rubbed the back of her head nervously. Then however the...Oddity of four representitives was brought up, and the Archmage had decided to play along with them, dismissing everyone...At least until he told Gwyn to stay, giving his reasons. "...M-Me, sir?" She was a little baffled by it, but complied, going back to her seat and sitting down.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 63c8KPk

Still, the tense air returned as they negotiated, there was something hard to shake...Like this wasn't as peaceful as it should have been. The Archmage had always seemed so wise from a distance, but seeing him behind closed doors...He was a bit shifty, if she had to choose a term for him. Regardless, these talks were all issues everyone was plainly aware of at this point, but it was a negotiation, both sides had to be clear after all, even she understood this.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:23 am

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 4rGAlpl

'What is your issue? Here you are, standing between two very important people for Thera that are most likely about ready to throw all their forces at each other and you're here staring at some girl you don't know. Gawking like a damn mentally challenged dog! Snap out of it!' Elidyra would scold herself, shaking her head and letting forth another sigh as she folded her arms. The red now leaving her cheeks allowing her to have a serious expression once more. She wished to ask what made this.. 'Primrose' so special, but now was not an appropriate time.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) U1fasUe
"Thank you Sir Helvan. I'm much more at ease with all those extras out of the room.. I'm sure the queen is, too." She stated farm more calmly, now.. At least about as calm as a dragon shifter that felt like she was about to imprint a stranger all over the damn place could be. But calm, nonetheless. "You're putting an awful lot of build-up behind this.. What is it that you're about to say, Sir Helvan?"
Elidyra Mascolel
Elidyra Mascolel

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Hilda Schturlein Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:34 am

Hilda glanced at Elidyra before nodding and raising her hands so that she could rest her arms on the table, leaning in slightly as she casted a small glace at Gwyn, immediately returning her gaze to Helvan afterwards. "I'll have you know before hand, I may be inclined to decline if these terms in any manner could potentially endanger my people or land. If so, I'm afraid this meeting is over, as I will not stand for such an insult. If not however, do continue." she muttered in a low tone as she began to continuously and almost frantically look Helvan over, searching for any sort of sign that may even give the slightest hint of his intentions. Despite her cool outward appearance, on the inside a great sense of dread began to wash over her, something about how he was speaking didn't sit right with her whatsoever.
Hilda Schturlein
Hilda Schturlein

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:51 am


"I have my reasons for the build up! You will certainly see first hand in a moment the plans I have for our peace treaty." He shakes his head at the Queen's words. "Really...A few tragic deaths are harsh...But to defend the very life source of our world may require such a thing. And you my dear Queen...Are just one of those tragedies." His hand began to glow as a ring of darkness appeared around the Queen's neck and began to strangle her, he slowly stood from his chair, staring her down as he approached. "You are just like your father. Stubborn, unwilling to do what is necessary for the entire world. His narrow mindedness is exactly why tensions were so heavy, it was a shame to see you carry on the same as he had. I didn't want things to come to this point, but your nation sits on so many ruins, so many answers to be had there, and potentials for finding the very thing that could save our world. I can't let you leave alive."

he continued to approach, his grip loosening so as not to kill her straight away. He calmly waved his hand aside, throwing her against a window that lie to the side of the room, a massive crack left where she impacted, though it remained unbroken. "We've discovered so much that could save us, like that girl of yours there..." he turns to glance at Eli, grinning. "Dragon shifters, they carry more power than we had ever thought before. If only you yourself could have figured that out, maybe we could have truly allied, maybe even carried this power into a new age." He began to lift her with this power wrapped around her neck, and repeatedly slam her against the glass, the cracks growing larger and larger with each impact.

"Could have made a world where all of those creatures mankind dare not speak of no longer hunt us like simple prey. Could have run them into extinction." He was relentless in slamming her against the glass window, and finally as it reached a breaking point, the glass all shattered out, leaving a gaping hole, and a long drop to the ground as he held her outside of the window, not letting her go just yet. "But instead you'd rather things always remained the same, that we always be prey to the untold beings left here to torture us. All because what we must do might hurt a few people." He shook his head. "Wake up child. There are hundreds dying to what we can't stop right now, what we lack the power to stop. I'm afraid you've little time left to think it over, but what I've said isn't wrong, is it?"
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:13 am


She shook her head a bit, trying to get rid of the oddity of it all, for now she thought it best to focus on the talks before them, things...Were feeling uneasy, even more so than before. They both seemed to be completely against him, and Gwyn...Honestly couldn't blame them, she felt threatened by the man and he wasn't even ON the opposing side to her! Still, things reached a boiling point as she glanced down at his hand as she saw the glow from her peripheral. Her eyes quickly widened as she realized what was happening, but it was happening far too fast!

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) CVNkAKs

"Wh...What are you doing?!" She stood from her chair so fast that the chair fell over behind her, throwing her hands onto the table with a loud thud, she was beyond shocked at this point, who wouldn't be? He was strangling the Queen of another nation - An act of war from her very own leader, right in front of her eyes. She wanted to stop him, but it was like she was frozen in place, her nerves shot, a cold sweat across her entire body, all of these weird instincts making her watch on instead of rush forward like a suicidal idiot.

And yet, as he reached the Queen, and threw her against the glass, she shook it off, and started a mad sprint down to the other side of the room, hopping onto the table to cross the gap, she rushed towards him, ready to act as he was slamming the poor queen helplessly against the glass, her hand lit up and a fire ball appeared, ready to launch it off at the Archmage... ... Only to be met by a blast of wind as his hand reached back behind him, effortlessly flingning her against the table and practically breaking a part of it as she hit.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 6nie3CM

"Agh...!" She yelled out in pain as she felt the shock of the impact against her body. She couldn't do anything to the man, his power was just too far above her own, that one hit was enough to practically put off any further attempts for the next few moments. "Stay back!! Next time I won't warn you." The man scolded as she tried to shake off the daze she was in, she could do nothing but watch as the Queen continued in the beating, she tried to lift herself up, but felt a burning pain as she noticed a shard of the table broke through the cloth and stabbed into her arm...A thousand alarms ringing off in her head right now as she tried to focus both on the pain, and on the situation happening right now.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:11 pm

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) CvXqcOw

Elidyra wanted to cry; to scream out in terror at what she was witnessing. But all she could do was stand and watch as her queen was slammed against a window several times. Her body so frozen in fear that any crunches that may have resulted from the impact couldn't even make her visibly wince. 'There's nothing I can do..! That mage- she's as strong as me and she just got thrown across the room like a rag doll!' Eli didn't know what to do.. she wanted to help, but she didn't have the power necessary. All she could do was watch while the Archmage beat the Queen to a pulp against the window. 'He..He wants dragon shifters. Queen Hilda would not want me to give one to him.. I need to get out here and the Archmage just made the perfect opening.' The downside to this escape would be that there was no bringing Hilda.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 5ufK1Ab

Great emotional pain surged through Elidyra as she realized she would not be returning home with her best friend, and queen, Hilda. Hell, she may not even get to return home at all. She would likely be accused of this killing- her and the expendable student that had just rebelled against the Archmage's actions. 'I can't even say goodbye to her..' Elidyra closed her eyes and groaned- this situation was just too much! 'Queen Hilda.. I swear to you, and on your father before you. I will bring peace to both these lands if it's the last thing I do! You can count on me!' It didn't feel like much of an oath had been sworn, considering it had to be in her head, but she hoped that maybe when Hilda would pass on she would learn of Eli's final thoughts before her escape.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) VGbkYwr

Springing into action, Elidyra utterly ignored the Archmage whilst he continued with his speech and rushed over to help Gwyn. "This will hurt. Please forgive me." She apologized quickly as she a tad bit too forcefully freed Gwyn's arm from the table. Without a word, she placed one arm underneath Gwyn's legs and the other beneath her back before standing up. If she were as injured as Eli expected, regardless of whether or not she could walk, the Dragon Shifter felt obligated to help her even then. "I can't explain why I'm doing this now so please just cooperate with me. We're leaving this place." Eli explained in a rushed, quiet tone as her blue draconic wings unfurled from her back. Appearing there as if by some sort of strange magic. With no time for words, Elidyra sprinted towards the window and leapt out of it- sailing past Hilda and into the impossible long drop with her wings still folded in against her back. She would build up the momentum before unfurling them, which would send her and Gwyn rocketing high into the sky- hopefully above the clouds, so that they wouldn't be caught.
Elidyra Mascolel
Elidyra Mascolel

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Hilda Schturlein Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:35 pm

Hilda simply stared on as she, despite the astronomical amounts of pain that shot through her body, flashed a defiant grin. "Kill me if you will, but just know that you will pay for what you have done here.." she growled as she turned her eyes to the heavens. "Azeron will not allow such brutal acts of war to go unpunished.. I know that my death will be avenged." she added before slipping a hand into the sleeve of her dress. 'He will not be the one to take my life.. I will not allow it.' she thought to herself as she suddenly pulled from her sleeve a slender dagger and in in the same moment plunged it deep into her own chest, sending out a loud cry of pain as the dagger pierced flesh and broken bone before reaching her heart. For a moment, crimson drops began to fall from her position as she instantly ripped the dagger out once more causing blood to begin heavily dripping down onto the ground below. After just a moment her body went limp and the dagger would slip from her hands, falling down to Heran's surface.
Hilda Schturlein
Hilda Schturlein

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Azeron Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:23 pm

In that exact moment several rays of light began to shine from the sky as the silhouette of a heavily armored man bearing wings appeared in the sky. Moments after appearing the man made a motion that was similar to drawing a sword as a ray of light struck Elidyra and Gwyneveire directly as a voice would fill their minds. "Your destiny is not yet complete. You must rise and end this brutal corruption. May Hilda's sacrifice not be in vain.. she shall be a martyr for the times to come. Seek out allies, end the corruption." The voice would say as the ray of light took a solid form and created a sort of shield around Eli and Gwyn. "Your legend begins now."

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:29 am


He shook his head at her, grinning. "I'm afraid most will understand what I do here, I do for our people. Though I also won't be the one taking the fall for this. It's only business, you understand." He furrowed a brow as she reached into her sleeve, and that was when she pulled forth a dagger. He shook his head and began to laugh a bit. "This isn't a story my dear, suicide will not make you a legend I'm afraid. And as for Azeron...He abandoned us long ago." Even as she plunged the steel into her chest, he continued to speak, watching on as her life was extinguished so quickly.

"I'm afraid this is where we part ways...As for your Escort, however..." He turned around...To see the dragon girl flying right past him, for a split second a look of shock crossed his face, but that quickly turned to anger. He lashed out as the two escaped, using his power to launch the queen's dead body towards the girl, though sadly it would be in vain as the body did no more than a few spins before dropping far before any potential impact.

"...I will find you again child. You, and all of the Dragon shifters. You can be assured of that." He stated so quietly as he then walked back into the room. Even the appearance of a glowing light did not seem to shake or surprise him much. He "frantically" yelled, bringing his guards into the room. "The queen has been murdered! An assassin! I tried to stop them, but in vain they escaped." The guards of course rushed to the window to see someone flying off...It was rather unclear however who exactly it was. They were...More focused on the third being in the sky right now, their jaws practically dropped to the floor.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:57 am


She shook her head as things grew fuzzy, though she witnessed the dragon girl rushing over to her through the haze. "W...Wha-AGGGHHHH!" As she was lifted up, she felt the pain of the broken table's shards sliding out of her arm, the burning sensation that flew across her body like a thousand stinging wasps, it was clear she was in severe pain, and yet for all it was worth, the Queen must have certainly been in even more pain than that. Right now there was no way Gwyn could have noticed, everything going on as it was left her in a sort of daze, she could hardly tell that she was even still conscious, even if the burning pain told her she was in such an undeniable way.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 6nie3CM

"Who...ARE you...?" She asked in a tired manner, as she tried to force herself through the pain to speak, managing to get those words out through the heavy breathing and severe pain, her arm was bleeding through the sleeve of her coat, and onto Eli's clothing as well, it had pierced her fairly deep, that much was clear from the amount of blood. And that only made her more panicked, feeling the warmth of it against her skin, if she weren't practically knocked stupid from that one move, she probably would have been trying to patch it up.

her eyes scanned the girl that was lifting her up, and all at once she witnessed the wings appear out from behind her...It was clear she was no ordinary human, not like Gwyn had assumed before... But then what was she honestly? Not one of those...Dragon people she had heard of, right? She always believed they were few and far between, and yet this girl...Seemed to be one.

They took off through the window and she could tell, vaguely. She felt the weightlessness of falling only a short few moments before Eli flew off skyward, it was...Surreal, like a dream, only now it was about to become even more surreal. A man wearing armor appeared in the sky before them, clearly not normal, even ignoring the wings, he floated effortlessly in the sky as an ethereal light practically blinded the injured Gwyn. She raised an arm to "block" the incoming light as she panicked, not knowing what it was, even after it had struck. A voice filled her mind, and she didn't entirely understand, even as clear as the words were.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) KBsZaMI

"W...Wait, I don't...understan......d..." It was then that her eyes began to get heavier, and her vision was being shrouded slowly by darkness, she tried to fight against it, but it was useless, she succumbed to the injuries and passed out, the only comforting fact being that she was still clearly breathing once she had gone unconscious. With that, there was nothing more from her, not for some time, anyway.
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:28 am

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) 5ufK1Ab

Elidyra would flinch hard, hearing Gwyn's cries of pain. It made her feel horrible, but she knew it couldn't be any worse than what would happen if they had stayed there. "Please forgive me.." She would mutter, giving her wings a hard flap in an attempt to push the two further up itno the air. Unfortunately, the muscles in her back would prove to weak to send them very high up on their own. But what with her unfurling her wings she would be rocketed high into the air, carried high into the sky by a very convenient gust of wind. It wouldn't keep them up there for long, and archers would still be able to fire at them if they were spotted, but it would still get them out of Heran.

Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) CvXqcOw

It hurt too much to even speak after awhile. Her wings were screaming at her for her to fold in and descend, but she could not and would not until she could assure the safety of herself and the mage she had.. 'kidnapped'. She tried to speak, to give the 'Primrose' her name, but with the height they were at and at the speed at which they had flown up, the air felt as if it were constantly being sucked from her lungs. It was an effort in and of itself just to breathe. "E..E.." Eli wheezed, unable to force the words out before a shining figure appeared before them. Encasing the two in something of a barrier. It was only then that Elidyra realized the mage in her arms had gone unconscious. Such a sight filled her with the temptation to just let go of reality, as well.

Even with the added support of Azeron, Elidyra could not keep herself in the air. Succumbing to the pain roaring down her back she folded her wings inward and started to dive towards.. where ever the two would land. Hopefully outside of Heran. Hopefully not in the goddamn ocean. But you never know, especially when you leave it all up to fate.

[Should be a thread closer.]
Elidyra Mascolel
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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Gwyneveire Llwelyn Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:32 am


Alright Elidyra, good work there!

Your Resolve AND Soul gains both come to 31,500(!!!)

Your Essence gains are 2,100! I'll distribute everything momentarily!

Last edited by Gwyneveire Llwelyn on Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Gwyneveire Llwelyn
Gwyneveire Llwelyn

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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:33 am

Gwyn you gained: 17,850 Resolve/Soul, 3,570 Essence! Accounting only for Gwyn's paragraphs, of course~
Elidyra Mascolel
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Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled) Empty Re: Tension Rising (Open, Death Enabled)

Post by Elidyra Mascolel Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:43 am

Alex: 6,300 Soul/essence, 1,260 Essence
Elidyra Mascolel
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