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    The Afterlife
    Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:58 pm
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    Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:36 pm
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    Vance Tammel
    Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:21 pm
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    Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:27 am
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    Abilities and Spells shall be created by players, the only major limitations are that they must be approved by an admin before being used and are required to have three tiers. Abilities and spells are subject to the possibility of being removed or denied if they prove to be over powered.
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    Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:03 am
    Elidyra Mascolel View latest post
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    Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:07 pm
    Jarvis Rosewater View latest post
  • Shops

    This is where Heroes spend their accumulated essence.
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    Alexander's purc...
    Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:17 am
    Gwyneveire Llwelyn View latest post
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  • Teresian Islands

    The Teresian Islands are the main landmasses of Thera, it is here where life was first reborn. It is here where one can find the city of Aramore, the capital city of Thera which has been built around an Archon artifact known only as the Labrynth. The main and largest island is known as Schar, while the smaller islands are now simply considered smaller sections of the main. As such, they have been given letter labels, these labels being B C and D. Each sub island is home to a small city, all of which are named "City [Island letter]."
    10 Topics
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    A Journey's Begi...
    Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:22 am
    Alexander View latest post
  • Schar

    The largest of the Teresian Isles and homeland of humans. It is here where you can find the most notorious piece of Archon architecture known only as The Labyrinth. This building houses the heart of The Flow. Alongside it however is what others can only theorize to be a chamber containing the remnants of the previous civilization locked behind a massive door with seemingly no key.
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    9 Topics
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    A Journey's Begi...
    Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:22 am
    Alexander View latest post
  • Aramore

    The Capital City of Thera and Schar, full of towering structures and intricate streets and allies this city still to this day holds an aura of beauty despite having gone through the seven storms. Here heroes can find the highly prestigious arena, the Grand Chapel and keep, home of Aramore's king or queen at the time and home base for The Knights of Azeron.
    8 Topics
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    A Journey's Begi...
    Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:22 am
    Alexander View latest post
  • Wilds

    The wilds of Schar, an untamed land full of creatures who'd sooner see you dead than even consider sparing your life. Full of thick forests, a person could easily lose their way and and be submit to whatever it is nature would throw at them. If there is one word of advice however, heroes should be wary when traveling alone.
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    Best Friends (So...
    Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:24 am
    Alexander View latest post
  • Heran

    The Floating land of Heran is a sprawling artificial island made almost entirely of steel stripped from various ruins, it rests on the oceans and often drifts around the world, fully controlled by a massive crew. It's entire populace made up of the remnants who wished to escape the past and start anew. It is a monolith with many cities across it's platforms, it is rather safely hidden away from evil, though it's Military general has been missing for some time. Heran has three different city types; The regular ones, not far off from any other city you would encounter - Inner cities, that are built underneath Heran and protected by glass domes - And finally Crow's nest cities, those built high above the artificial island.
    1 Topics
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    Tension Rising (...
    Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:43 am
    Elidyra Mascolel View latest post
  • Corith

    The capital city of Heran, here also lies the control room for the entire super structure, day in and day out shifts of people controlling the paths Heran travels, though few are allowed down there. The major city itself is quite a testament to the human will to live on, building after building sprawls out across the area, steel roofs abound over many places, and the laws of this land manage to keep the peace well enough.
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    Tension Rising (...
    Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:43 am
    Elidyra Mascolel View latest post
  • Cerred

    One of Heran's "inner cities". An entire city under the steel platforms above, instead hiding in safety within glass domes built underneath the entire land. The buildings here all hang from the ceiling, and the pathways are catwalks positioned above the glass dome's bottom. To outsiders, the design of this and other inner cities takes getting used to, however it's design is to be commended for standing out so well.
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  • Valkyry

    This is one of the "Crow's nest" cities of Heran, it hangs far above the rest of the cities here, much like Cerred, there are many catwalks connecting the buildings. Though this city serves an even greater purpose; The citizens living here are tasked with keeping watch, keeping an eye on any dangers that lurk in Heran's path, to report to Corith leaders if something should come in the way. With the additional aid of an observatory-styled building made to spot even the farthest of objects that would approach, entering Heran under the radar is a difficult task.
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  • Yarrose

    Yarrose is a unique continent, out of all the shards that rose from the ocean, this one seems to hold an odd miasma, a miasma which empowers mana in a yet known way, as such, this entire nation is a mage's dream, many academies and towns dedicated to the various magical arts dot the landscapes of Yarrose. Hundreds of aspiring and experienced Mages alike travel from distant lands just to even witness the miasma filled atmosphere of this land. To most mages, it is considered a sort of "Right of passage" to visit Yarrose at least once in their life. This Nation holds it's own "Upholders of justice", Mages known as the "Grand Seers", they use their powers to keep forbidden arts untouched, and banditry and illegal activity as low as they can manage.
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    New Associates, ...
    Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:55 am
    Jarvis Rosewater View latest post
  • Ornweinne

    The capital of Yarrose, a beautiful city that surrounds a massive river known as Ezrin River, a river that stretches across the middle of Yarrose. The city's river district as it's called is known for the gondolas that glide across the sparkling blue waters, as well as the many market stalls that line the sides, offering a variety of things, from trinkets, to magical supplies, to even fresh produce and fish. Elsewhere the city's natural hilly landscape leads to stone paved streets that roll, rise, and drop around buildings adorned in an "Old country" style. On the outskirts lie many vineyards, working hard to create high quality wine to import to other nations. Last but certainly not least is the city's central district, where-in lies the greatest Mage Academy quite possibly in the entire world - Primrose Academy. This academy is a sprawling complex with eccentric dome shapes and olden designs, it's stone paved streets made of far whiter more pure stone, the outer areas of the Academy lie many dorm buildings spanning several stories high. To be accepted into this Academy is considered one of the highest honors for a mage.
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    Quit Wasting Tim...
    Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:43 am
    Ulysse Heinrich View latest post
  • Tarnweinne Port

    Yarrose's largest port city, a majority of import and export business occurs here, though the city is far less...Credible than Ornweinne, home to back alley bandits, and more than a few "Underground" Mage academies performing forbidden arts, only sailors and those involved in importable businesses tend to bother coming here, while the upper sections are far more upkept, even these areas have been known to hold their share of banditry. The Grand Seers of Yarrose do not have as much reach in this city due to the traders holding a massive share in the place.
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    New Associates, ...
    Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:55 am
    Jarvis Rosewater View latest post
  • Yarrose Wilds

    The untouched nature of Yarrose, home to strange animals that seem to carry some of the magical powers themselves, the lands are dotted with rolling green hills and beautiful emerald forests, a magical landscape to match a magical nation. There are some dangers, such as Bandits making use of forbidden arts to trick travellers, though The Grand Seers tend to travel the busier roads, keeping these bandits at bay.
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    A Chance Encount...
    Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:06 am
    Laerwen Nalldel View latest post
  • Deep Dark

    Out of all the shards that rose from the ocean, this one is...Quite the oddity, it rose with a massive crater taking up most of it's land mass. This crater is massive, stretching thousands of miles below the surface, instead of building into the bottom, the cities, towns, and villages are all carved and built around the cliff edges of the crater, all extending down towards it's bottom. However none tread on the bottom most area, for fear of the never-ending darkness below, a place that is crawling with all sort of unknown cave dwelling creatures, most with murderous intent, it is wise not to travel this far down, for when the sun no longer reaches, it gives way to dark beings.
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    The Lone Witch (...
    Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:58 pm
    Ulysse Heinrich View latest post
  • Granite City

    Deep Dark's capital, this city is dug deep into the cliff wall, sprawling back into the artifical cavern they had created, it far surpasses anything the other towns of deep dark have created. The typical archetecture features many impressive highrise buildings, a design chosen to save space. There are no ancient remnants to be found here, either due to bad luck, or due to their destruction from the crater's creation.
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  • Quartz

    The small quaint town that rests at the top of the crater, one of the first places any traveler to Deep Dark encounters, they welcome visitors with open arms, even if there are few things to really see here. They have a saloon, an inn, and a general store, though beyond these, there's few things to really say, their simple design makes them unique, as some like to say. Their motto is "The best little gate in the world"
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  • Limestone and Mantle

    Twin Cities built across from eachother in the cliff walls, they have a tunnel system carved to get between eachother, though this ease of access system between the two is misguiding, these two cities that lie near the start of the darkness are home to terrible blood feuds, wars that started nearly to the founding of these cities by the first humans to rise from the underground. They both feature designs not unlike smaller scale versions of Granite City. Traveller's typically MUST go through these cities to reach the darkness. A dangerous task that can lead one to get caught in the crossfire of their civil war.
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  • Obsidian

    One of the largest cities located in the darkness, the bottom-most part of the Deep dark where the sun cannot reach. As a town wrapped in eternal night, it is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The city is unique from others, it is positioned in the center of the crater instead of the cliff walls, suspended in the air by many steel beams and ropes, it looks precarious, though is far more stable than most would first assume. Due to it's eternal night, glowing cave mushrooms have been ground into a paint that plasters many walls and structures, lighting the city up in an ethereal blue color. This is one of the final stops before reaching the crater floor, travelers brave enough to come this far and live need special access from Obsidian's peace keepers to travel down the catwalks leading to the floor.
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  • Crater Floor

    The very bottom of Deep Dark. This final stretch has no natural light save for the scare groups of glowing mushrooms lining the walls, people must traverse the catwalks to the bottom almost blindly unless guided by their own light source. There are no settlements this far down, someone travelling here does so without any safe havens, left to the mercy of whatever lies in the dark. There is little telling what lies on the floor, few if any archeologists have braved the cities and darkness to come here, there may well be a goldmine of ancient ruins lining the floor, all untouched by the sun. Yet the potential for many ruins is overplayed by the potential for hordes of dangerous beasts, corrupt creatures that despise the light.
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    The Lone Witch (...
    Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:58 pm
    Ulysse Heinrich View latest post
  • Haven

    Haven, easily the most dangerous part of the Crater Floor according to some. Haven acts, as its name suggests, a safe haven for magic users to practice forbidden arts away from prying eyes. Here there are no mages or wizards, only witches and warlocks. These men and women are practitioners of the forbidden arts and each have formed a coven where apprentices can learn what they have to teach. The Haven itself is protected by insanely powerful illusionary magic, having a ward which renders the community utterly invisible from the outside. Those who do not practice magic are very rarely spotted within the Haven.
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  • Ijiri

    Of all the land shards that rose up from the oceans after the apocalyptic event all those years ago, Ijiri is the largest of them all. Ironic however is that no humans survived on this labd, instead other newer races appeared, perhaps by divine intervention. The Nekos, Lupine, and Kitsune inhabit this humanless land, the cultures of Ijiri are diverse, and tet they hold to a very simplistic lifestyle. The leaders of this nation lead an Empire. Their wealth and knowledge shows by the look of the Imperial cities, especially the capital - Yanjin, which stands as a golden monument to their power. Outside of these cities lie many villages and bamboo forests dotting the landscape. A major export of a majority of villages being agriculture. Rice farming especially famous as these simple grains have a thousand uses, ranging from a multitude of meals, to a fine alcohol. - The people of this land hold a battle technique scarecely shared outside, "Martial Artists" carry a unique skill, they refer to the Flow as "Chi" and are able to tap into it to use it not as a magic spell, but as a physical attack.
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  • YanJin

    The "Golden City" as many within Ijiri call it, it has exotic archetecture with red roof tiles, strange squared shapes and jagged edges, with many ornamental decorations lining even common buildings, the Empire has spared no expense making this city look wonderous. Both as a token of appreciation to it's people, and as a warning of hiw much power they hold to outsiders who might invade. On a hill overlooking the city stands a monolithic palace, surrounded by beautiful trees and towering walls, it is unfathomable the monetary worth of this Palace.
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  • Namin

    A tiny country within the rest of Ijiri, this land is home primarily to the Lupine, who gladly serve under the Empire of Ijiri. They hold much the same traditions and Archetecture as the rest of Ijiri, however there are no major cities here, only villages and thickets of bamboo.
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  • Yasara

    A bright little village lying not far from Yan Jin, from the edges of the village one can see the city walls rise up from the horizon. One of many villages, this one is somewhat special in that it revolves around a Shrine instead of agriculture. Many come from miles around to visit, to see this sacred place, and indeed it is treated as such by the people. Many prayers are given here, for good harvests, for healthy families and prosperity.
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  • Xio Xing

    Known as the "Death Swamp", this is an uninhabited section of Ijiri, home to hostile creatures and thick bayous, none dare travel here, for it is said to be forbidden, and such threats are not unjustified given the unholy abominations that roam here...
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  • Valley of Cruel Sands

    A vast desert which makes of the a massive part of Thera's southern hemisphere. This land is home to many hostile animals and races, some say even a tribe of humans have made this land their home. Within the desert one can find various fortresses and temples made out to be cities and homes. Any outsider who dares walk the sands should pray that not only do they become the target for anything passing by, but they should pray that the winds never pick up, obscuring their vision with the sands.
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